Smart PortfoliosTM offers multiple portfolio solutions using Dynamic Portfolio OptimizationTM (DPO) process to maximize risk-adjusted returns.

The Smart Portfolios™ Allocation Strategies are risk-managed portfolios seeking to deliver investors steady long-term growth. The objective of these strategies are to outperform a composite index comprised of: 35% Russell 3000, 35% MSCI (ex US) and 30% Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond Index.
Chosen portfolios utilize global Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) to capitalize on specific market sectors while potentially reducing some of the fees and taxes associated with mutual funds. Current asset classes in the fund universe include: domestic and foreign fixed income, real-estate, commodities, and domestic and foreign equities.
The investment strategies use Smart Portfolios’ Dynamic Portfolio OptimizationTM process to select what we believe to be the optimal combination of securities to maximize risk-adjusted returns.
Smart Risk-Managed Models
These strategies are designed for investors seeking to outperform traditional asset allocation models on a risk-adjusted basis in all economic environments. Variations of the same underlying risk-managed allocations are available for tactical, moderately-conservative, or ESG style investors. [Learn More]
Macro Tides Tactical Strategies
The Tactical Sector Rotation Strategies are designed for investors seeking to participate in either U.S. or Global Equities by being invested in the top five ranked Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) during bull markets & bear market rallies and investing in Money Market Funds, Inverse Equities, and/or non-Equities during bear markets. [Learn More]
TIAA Models
Allocation Strategies using a universe of TIAA-CREF funds are risk-managed portfolios focused on delivering investors steady long-term growth. [Learn More]
Muscular Portfolios
Muscular Portfolios are based on the book Muscular Portfolios (2017). [Learn More]