Major Trend Indicator
The MTI is primarily quantitative and differentiates whether "Bull Market" or "Bear Market" conditions exist. The MTI is used in conjunction with classic chart analysis. When the MTI signal indicates "Bull Market" conditions, the model invests in the top five performing sector ETFs of the ten sectors within the S&P 500 index, plus a Midcap sector ETF (MDY), and Small Cap sector ETF (IWM).
Alternatively, when "Bear Market" conditions are indicated, the model invests in a Money Market Fund and/or establishes "short" positions through "inverse" ETFs (i.e. inverse S&P 500 and/or inverse Russel 2000 ETFs). The relative performance of each sector is quantified weekly and the portfolio is rebalanced quarterly.
U.S. Constraints
Equity | MIN | MAX |
10 U.S. Sectors1 | -100 | 100 |
2 U.S. Mid & Small Cap Sectors | -100 | 100 |
Major Trend Indicator
This strategy is created to capture opportunities in global markets from Growth, Value and Currency perspectives. Global investing can capture the benefits of economic cycles outside the U.S. and offers the advantage of additional Diversification.
The proprietary Major Trend Indicator (MTI) is utilized and applied in the same method as the U.S. Tactical Sector Rotation Strategy but includes additional multiple continent regions (Europe, Asia and Emerging Markets), and exposure to the following ETF's sectors: U.S. Treasury (long/short), Gold & Gold Stocks, Commodity and Currency.
The possible choices of alternate global assets are determined by the portfolios manager’s discretion and on-going published research.
Global Constraints
Equity | MIN | MAX |
12 U.S. Sectors1 | -100 | 100 |
Europe2 | 0 | 20 |
Asia2 | 0 | 20 |
Emerging Markets2 | 0 | 20 |
OTHER | ||
U.S. Treasury | -20 | 20 |
Gold & Gold Stocks | 0 | 20 |
Commodity | 0 | 20 |
Currency | 0 | 20 |